Controversy and heated arguments often arise when the topic of Reparations for Blacks in the United States who are the descendents of slaves is brought up. The subject elicits a variety of responses depending on who you talk to. Native Americans, Japanese Americans and the Jewish community have received some form of reparations for the brutality and inhumane treatment they endured, and rightfully so. But what about Black folks in America?
Did you know long-time Congressman John Conyers (D-Mich.) the "Dean of the Congressional Black Caucus" first introduced HR-40, the Commission to Study Reparation Proposals for African Americans Act back in 1989? He has reintroduced it every year since, yet it fails to garner enough votes to make it out of committee. If passed, the Bill would just provide an avenue for a committee to STUDY the issue of reparations. Is not the perpetual, generational suffering of Blacks in the U.S. and its effects for over 400 years worth the time to at least be STUDIED? If you're not sure, then you're in luck.
Tune in to view an important forum on Revitalizing the Reparations Movement, April 19 at Chicago State University. The program will be available via webcast. Scheduled participants include Congressman Conyers, the Honorable Dr. Ralph Gonsalves, Prime Minister of St. Vincent and the Grenadines and the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam. For more information, check out the flyer below. To find out more about HR-40 go to
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