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Monday, January 6, 2014

Welcome to 2014! What will be the top stories, topics this year?

Now that we are a few short days into a brand new year, as a journalist but more importantly a citizen of the world, I am already curious about and anticipating what will be the impacting, news stories. As a proud and honored member of the Black press, I delve into a myriad of wide-ranging topics with specific focus on how it impacts the Black community. Whether it relates to economics, politics, health, education, entertainment or social-justice issues, the Black experience in the U.S. has historically been unique within all of these realms. What are some of the issues, stories and topics that flew under the radar last year that you think the Black press should take a look at in 2014? Please share your thoughts and who knows....maybe I can cover it? Until next time, Peace!