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Monday, September 9, 2013

Deen Intensive Academy -- Preparing Islamic Scholars!

Muslims from around the country participated in the first Deen Intensive Academy just outside Washington, D.C. in late August for a weekend of spiritual renewal but also to delve into important aspects of the Islamic faith and to embark upon a journey of developing into scholars. Deen means faith and this first gathering was coordinated and organized by Imam Abdul Jalil, a Chicago native and Sister Nisa Islam Muhammad, writer for The Final Call newspaper. It was a high-energy, full, and "intense" weekend. Check out the other video interviews below from presenters and participants as they shared their thoughts about Deen Intensive Academy. Check out Issue 32, No. 50 of The Final Call for more coverage. The next conference is in Houston, Texas, Dec. 19-22. To find out more visit www.deenintensiveacademy.com.

Muslim men and women in prayer at Deen Intensive Academy


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