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Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Black, blue and the U.S. racial divide - the analysis continues

Dr. Avis Jones-DeWeever, Claude 'Paradise' Gray and Damon Jones shared a great deal of insightful, forthright and impacting analysis and insight on the issues between police and the Black community in my article titled, "Black, blue and the U.S. racial divide" in the July 26 issue of The Final Call. As a journalist, not every portion of interviews I conduct can make it in the final version of an article based on limited space. However what Dr. Jones-DeWeever, Mr. Gray and Mr. Jones shared is critical as events around the country continue to unfold related to police misconduct and violence, police possibly being targeted and Black communities in pain, and all on top of the Republican and Democratic National Conventions. So stay tuned! First up with be additional analysis from author and commentator, Dr. Jones-DeWeever. Below is a link to the article in this weeks edition ofThe Final Call.
Black, blue and the U.S. racial divide
Dr. Avis Jones-DeWeever

Claude 'Paradise' Gray

Damon Jones

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