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Thursday, January 8, 2009

Phoenix Youth To Visit Cuban Medical School

By Starla Muhammad

Joel Muhammad, Najee Ali Muhammad and Jamal Mobley, who are all 16 years of age, will be visiting the Latin American School of Medicine (LASM) in Cuba from January 4 – 11 along with several other high school students from around the country. With the assistance, prayers and support of family and friends, the young men will have the opportunity to tour the school, find out more about the program and interact with the Cuban people. LASM was established in 1999 and has been described as quite possibly the largest medical school in the world with many international students enrolled. Joel, Najee and Jamal each have a desire to study medicine and help people. Bro. Joel is the son of Therman and Dorrana Muhammad, Jamal is the son of Art and Vicki Mobley and Najee is the son of Patrick and Eiliyah Muhammad. These young brothers are proof that there are young Black men who are living productive and positive lives and who care about their future and the future of others.

Left to right – Eiliyah Muhammad, Najee Ali Muhammad, Patrick Muhammad, Art Mobley, Vicki Mobley, Jamal Mobley, Joel Muhammad, Dorrana Muhammad, Therman Muhammad

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